The summer of 2019 my 14 year old son was having back and shoulder pain. I took him to his family doctor. He told me Connor was experiencing growing pains. He would need physical therapy. Couple weeks go by Connor was not himself. I took him into argent care. They told me it was the flu. Called me the next day and told me Connors EKG was showing problems with his heart. I take him back to the family doctor the redo the EKG this time it was good. By this time I am frustrated no one could tell me what was going on. The back pain got worse. I took him to a chiropractor. It helped some. On October 1st. I got home from work and Connor was doubled over in pain. I took him to the emergency room. That is when we heard them awful words. " I am sorry we think he has cancer" they took us by ambulance to Children's Hospital 2 hours away. During that ride I remember being so angry no one caught this. On October 3 we got the news he has B-Cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL).
It seems like Connor can never catch a break. He has had a reaction to blood, His cortisol level wasn't working so we had to carry a shot around in case he would go unconscious, or have seizures. He had a reaction to Methroxate his body wouldn't push it out. They had to order a rescue drug that costed 89,000. Other wise his kidneys would of failed, Had a reaction to steriods now has AVN in his knee. Has been off steriods now 6 months. He would sleep 18 hours a day. Had to have sleep studies done. They say it's because of the chemo. We just got that under control with a medication. We have 5 months left in treatment. Connor was so excited to start school. Went the first day and has been in bed last 2 days becuase it was to much. My son is a true warrior he has never complained once about treatment. He goes with it. The doctors and nurses love him because he's so chill. I asked him if he could go back and never have cancer again what would he choose? He would pick cancer all over again. It is making him a better person. He wants to become an oncologist to help people.